NBMiner v31.1, GPU Miner

Тема в разделе "English (Bitcoin Forum)", создана пользователем Riddle55, 8 июл 2020.

  1. Riddle55

    Riddle55 новичок




    Performance (stock frequency)
    | Algorithm        |  Coin   |  P106-100  |  P104-8G   |   1070ti   |  1080ti  |   2080   | RX580 2048sp |
    | :--------------- | :-----: | :--------: | :--------: | :--------: | :------: | :------: | :----------: |
    | tensority        |   BTM   |   1,900    |    3000    |   3,400    |  5,000   |  11,500  |      X       |
    | ethash           |   ETH   |   21.2M    |   34.5M    |   26.9M    |   46M    |  35.5M   |      X       |
    | tensority_ethash | BTM+ETH | 950+15.5M  | 1600+26.5M |  1350+22M  | 2450+40M | 7000+28M |      X       |
    | cuckaroo         | GRIN29  |    3.45    |    5.6     |    5.25    |   8.1    |   8.9    |      X       |
    | cuckarood        | GRIN29  |    3.45    |    5.6     |    5.25    |   8.1    |   9.1    |      X       |
    | cuckatoo         | GRIN31  |     -      |    0.89    |    0.94    |   1.56   |   1.65   |      X       |
    | cuckatoo32       | GRIN32  |     X      |    0.38    |    0.41    |   0.63   |   0.65   |      X       |
    | cuckoo_ae        |   AE    |    3.35    |    5.5     |    5.15    |   7.9    |   8.75   |      X       |
    | cuckaroo_swap    |  SWAP   |    3.45    |    5.6     |    5.25    |   8.1    |   8.9    |      X       |
    | progpow_sero     |  SERO   |   10.3M    |   17.5M    |   13.3M    |  22.5M   |  25.8M   |     10M      |
    | sipc             |  SIPC   |    600k    |    940k    |    780k    |  1170k   |  1050k   |      X       |
    | eaglesong        |   CKB   |    430M    |    640M    |    740M    |  1150M   |  1160M   |     350M     |
    | eaglesong_ethash | CKB+ETH | 203M+20.5M |  275M+34M  | 415M+26.5M | 600M+44M | 790M+36M |   200M+22M   |
    | bfc              |   BFC   |     80     |    130     |    120     |   190    |   210    |      X       |
    | hns              |   HNS   |    170M    |    255M    |    300M    |   455M   |   425M   |     145M     |
    | hns_ethash       | HNS+ETH |  76M+19M   |  120M+30M  | 158M+26.2M | 176M+44M | 305M+34M |  68M+22.5M   |
    | trb              |   TRB   |    280M    |    435M    |    510M    |   750M   |   880M   |      X       |
    | trb_ethash       | TRB+ETH | 122M+20.3M |  170M+34M  | 240M+26.7M | 315M+45M |    -     |      X       |
    | kawpow           |   RVN   |   10.3M    |   17.5M    |   13.3M    |  22.5M   |  25.8M   |     11M      |


    • Support Windows & Linux.
    • Support backup mining pool configuration.
    • Support SSL connection to mining pools.

    Dev Fee

    tensority_ethash 3%, tensority(Pascal) 2%, tensority(Turing) 3%, ethash 1%, cuckaroo & cuckatoo & cuckaroo_swap 2%, progpow_sero 2%, sipc 2%, bfc 3%
    hns 2%, hns_ethash 3%, trb 2%, trb_ethash 3%, kawpow 2%

    | Algorithm        |  Coin   | Compute Capability | Memory (Win7 & Linux) | Memory (Win10) |
    | :--------------- | :-----: | :----------------: | :-------------------: | :------------: |
    | tensority        |   BTM   |   6.1, 7.0, 7.5    |          1GB          |      1GB       |
    | ethash           |   ETH   | 6.0, 6.1, 7.0, 7.5 |          4GB          |      4GB       |
    | tensority_ethash | BTM+ETH |   6.1, 7.0, 7.5    |          4GB          |      4GB       |
    | cuckaroo(d)      | GRIN29  | 6.0, 6.1, 7.0, 7.5 |          5GB          |      6GB       |
    | cuckatoo         | GRIN31  | 6.0, 6.1, 7.0, 7.5 |          8GB          |      10GB      |
    | cuckoo_ae        |   AE    | 6.0, 6.1, 7.0, 7.5 |          5GB          |      6GB       |
    | cuckaroo_swap    |  SWAP   | 6.0, 6.1, 7.0, 7.5 |          5GB          |      6GB       |
    | progpow_sero     |  SERO   |     6.0 - 7.5      |          2GB          |      2GB       |
    | sipc             |  SIPC   | 6.0, 6.1, 7.0, 7.5 |          1GB          |      1GB       |
    | eaglesong        |   CKB   | 6.0, 6.1, 7.0, 7.5 |         0.1GB         |     0.1GB      |
    | eaglesong_ethash | CKB+ETH | 6.0, 6.1, 7.0, 7.5 |          4GB          |      4GB       |
    | bfc              |   BFC   | 6.0, 6.1, 7.0, 7.5 |          5GB          |      6GB       |
    | hns              |   HNS   | 6.0, 6.1, 7.0, 7.5 |         0.1GB         |     0.1GB      |
    | hns_ethash       | HNS+ETH | 6.0, 6.1, 7.0, 7.5 |          4GB          |      4GB       |
    | trb              |   TRB   | 6.0, 6.1, 7.0, 7.5 |         0.1GB         |     0.1GB      |
    | trb_ethash       | TRB+ETH | 6.0, 6.1, 7.0, 7.5 |          4GB          |      4GB       |
    | kawpow           |   RVN   | 6.0, 6.1, 7.0, 7.5 |          3GB          |      3GB       |

    Sample Usages
    f2pool:        nbminer -a tensority -o stratum+tcp://btm.f2pool.com:9221 -u bm1xxxxxxxxxx.worker
    antpool:      nbminer -a tensority -o stratum+tcp://stratum-btm.antpool.com:6666 -u username.worker
    matpool.io: nbminer -a tensority -o stratum+tcp://btm.matpool.io:8118 -u bm1xxxxxxxxxxx.worker
    ethermine:  nbminer -a ethash -o ethproxy+tcp://asia1.ethermine.org -u 0x12343bdgf.worker
    sparkpool:   nbminer -a ethash -o ethproxy+tcp://cn.sparkpool.com:3333 -u 0x12343bdgf.worker
    f2pool:        nbminer -a ethash -o ethproxy+tcp://eth.f2pool.com:8008 -u 0x12343bdgf.worker
    nanopool:   nbminer -a ethash -o ethproxy+tcp://eth-asia1.nanopool.org:9999 -u 0x12343bdgf.worker
    nicehash:    nbminer -a ethash -o nicehash+tcp://daggerhashimoto.eu.nicehash.com:3353 -u btc_address.worker
    f2pool:        nbminer -a tensority_ethash -o stratum+tcp://btm.f2pool.com:9221 -u btm_address.btm_worker -do ethproxy+tcp://eth.f2pool.com:8008 -du eth_address.eth_worker
    sparkpool:  nbminer -a cuckarood -o stratum+tcp://grin.sparkpool.com:6666 -u [email protected]/worker
    f2pool:        nbminer -a cuckarood -o stratum+tcp://grin29.f2pool.com:13654 -u username.worker:passwd
    nicehash:    nbminer -a cuckarood -o nicehash+tcp://grincuckaroo29.eu.nicehash.com:3371 -u btc_address.worker
    sparkpool:  nbminer -a cuckatoo -o stratum+tcp://grin.sparkpool.com:66667-u [email protected]/worker
    f2pool:        nbminer -a cuckatoo -o stratum+tcp://grin31.f2pool.com:13654 -u username.worker:passwd
    nicehash:    nbminer -a cuckatoo -o nicehash+tcp://grincuckaroo31.eu.nicehash.com:3372 -u btc_address.worker
    sparkpool: nbminer -a cuckatoo32 -o stratum+tcp://grin.sparkpool.com:6665 -u [email protected]/worker
    f2pool: nbminer -a cuckatoo32 -o stratum+tcp://grin32.f2pool.com:13654 -u username.worker:passwd
    nicehash: nbminer -a cuckatoo32 -o nicehash+tcp://grincuckatoo32.hk.nicehash.com:3383 -u btc_address.worker
    f2pool:        nbminer -a cuckoo_ae -o stratum+tcp://ae.f2pool.com:7898 -u ak_xxxxxxx.worker:passwd
    beepool:     nbminer -a cuckoo_ae -o stratum+tcp://ae-pool.beepool.org:9505 -u ak_xxxx.worker:passwd
    uupool:       nbminer -a cuckoo_ae -o stratum+tcp://ae.uupool.cn:6210 -u ak_xxxxxx.worker:passwd
    nicehash:   nbminer -a cuckoo_ae -o nicehash+tcp://cuckoocycle.eu.nicehash.com:3376 -u btc_address.test
    luckypool:        nbminer -a cuckaroo_swap -o stratum+tcp://swap2.luckypool.io:4466 -u wallet_address:worker
    herominers:     nbminer -a cuckaroo_swap -o stratum+tcp://swap.herominers.com:10441 -u wallet_address.worker
    herominers solo:     nbminer -a cuckaroo_swap -o stratum+tcp://swap.herominers.com:10441 -u solo:wallet_address.worker:arbitrary
    beepool: nbminer -a progpow_sero -o stratum+tcp://sero-pool.beepool.org:9515 -u wallet_address.worker:pswd
    f2pool:  nbminer -a progpow_sero -o stratum+tcp//sero.f2pool.com:4200 -u wallet_address.worker:pswd
    simpool: nbminer -a sipc -o stratum+tcp://sipc.simpool.vip:8801 -u username.worker:passwd
    matpool: nbminer -a sipc -o stratum+tcp://sipc.matpool.io:11100 -u username.worker:passwd
    sparkpool: nbminer -a eaglesong -o stratum+tcp://ckb.sparkpool.com:8888 -u user.worker:passwd
    beepool: nbminer -a eaglesong -o stratum+tcp://ckb-pool.beepool.org:9550 -u email/worker:passwd
    uupool: nbminer -a eaglesong -o stratum+tcp://ckb.uupool.cn:10861 -u user.worker:passwd
    f2pool: nbminer -a eaglesong -o stratum+tcp://ckb.f2pool.com:4300 -u wallet.worker:passwd
    sparkpool: nbminer -a eaglesong_ethash -o stratum+tcp://ckb.sparkpool.com:8888 -u user.worker:passwd -do stratum+tcp://cn.sparkpool.com:3333 -du wallet.worker:passwd
    beepool: nbminer -a eaglesong_ethash -o stratum+tcp://ckb-pool.beepool.org:9550 -u email/worker:passwd -do stratum+tcp://eth-pool.beepool.org:9530 -du wallet.worker:passwd
    uupool: nbminer -a eaglesong_ethash -o stratum+tcp://ckb.uupool.cn:10861 -u user.worker:passwd      -do stratum+tcp://eth.uupool.cn:8008 -du wallet.worker:passwd
    f2pool: nbminer -a eaglesong_ethash -o stratum+tcp://ckb.f2pool.com:4300 -u wallet.worker:passwd     -do stratum+tcp://eth.f2pool.com:8008 -du wallet.worker:passwd
    uupool: nbminer -a bfc -o stratum+tcp://bfc.uupool.cn:12210 -u user.worker
    bfcpool: nbminer -a bfc -o stratum+tcp://ss.bfcpool.com:3333 -u wallet.worker
    f2pool: nbminer -a hns -o stratum+tcp://hns.f2pool.com:6000 -u wallet.worker
    f2pool: nbminer -a hns_ethash -o stratum+tcp://hns.f2pool.com:6000 -u wallet.worker -do stratum+tcp://eth.f2pool.com:8008 -du wallet.worker
    uupool: nbminer -a trb -o stratum+tcp://trb.uupool.cn:11002 -u wallet.worker
    hashpool: nbminer -a trb -o stratum+tcp://pplns.trb.stratum.hashpool.com:8208 -u wallet.worker
    uupool: nbminer -a trb_ethash -o stratum+tcp://trb.uupool.cn:11002 -u wallet.worker -do stratum+tcp://eth.uupool.cn:8008 -du wallet.worker
    beepool: nbminer -a kawpow -o  stratum+tcp://rvn-pool.beepool.org:9531 -u wallet.worker:passwd
    f2pool: nbminer -a kawpow -o  stratum+tcp://raven.f2pool.com:3636 -u wallet.worker:passwd
    minermore: nbminer -a kawpow -o stratum+tcp://us.rvn.minermore.com:4501 -u wallet.worker:paswd
    bsod: nbminer -a kawpow -o stratum+tcp://pool.bsod.pw:2640 -u wallet.worker:passwd
    nbminer -a kawpow -o stratum+tcp://rvn.woolypooly.com:55555 -u wallet.worker:passwd
    CMD options
    -h, --help    Displays this help.
    -v, --version    Displays version information.
    -c, --config <config file path>    Use json format config file rather than cmd line options.
    -a, --algo <algo>    Select mining algorithm
                         BTM: tensority
                         ETH: ethash
                         BTM+ETH: tensority_ethash
                         Grin29: cuckaroo
                         Grin31: cuckatoo
                         SWAP:  cuckaroo_swap
    --api  <host:port>    The endpoint for serving REST API.
    -o, --url <url>    Mining pool url.
                       BTM: stratum+tcp://btm.f2pool.com:9221
                       BTM with SSL: stratum+ssl://btm.f2pool.com:9443
                       ETH: ethproxy+tcp://eth.f2pool.com:8008
                       ETH with NiceHash: ethnh+tcp://daggerhashimoto.eu.nicehash.com:3353
    -u, --user <user>    User used in Mining pool, wallet address or username.
    -o1, --url1 <url> url for backup mining pool 1.
    -u1, --user1 <user> username for backup mining pool 1.
    -o2, --url2 <url> url for backup mining pool 2.
    -u2, --user2 <user> username for backup mining pool 2.
    -di, --secondary-intensity <intensity>    The relative intensity when dual mining.
    -do, --secondary-url <url>    ETH mining pool when dual mining.
    -du, --secondary-user <user>    ETH username when dual mining.
    -do1, --secondary-url1 <url>    Backup 1 ETH mining pool when dual mining.
    -du1, --secondary-user1 <user>    Backup 1 ETH username when dual mining.
    -do2, --secondary-url2 <url>    Backup 2 ETH mining pool when dual mining.
    -du2, --secondary-user2 <user>    Backup 2 ETH username when dual mining.
    -d, --devices <devices>    Specify GPU list to use. Format: "-d 0,1,2,3" to use first 4 GPU.
    -i, --intensity \<intensities>    Comma-separated list of intensities (1 -100).
    -strict-ssl    Check validity of certificate when use SSL connection.
    --cuckoo-intensity <intensity>    Set intensity of cuckoo, cuckaroo, cuckatoo, [1, 12]. Set to 0 means autumatically adapt. Default: 0.
    --cuckatoo-power-optimize Set this option to reduce the range of power consumed by rig when minining with algo cuckatoo. This feature can reduce the chance of power supply shutdown caused by overpowered. Warning: Setting this option may cause drop on minining performance.
    --temperature-limit <temp-limit> Set temperature limit of GPU, if exceeds, stop GPU for 10 seconds and continue.
    -log    Generate log file named `log_<timestamp>.txt`.
    --log-file <filename>    Generate custom log file. Note: This option will override `--log`.
    --no-nvml    Do not query cuda device health status.
    --fidelity-timeframe \<timeframe>    Set timeframe for the calculation of fidelity, unit in hour. Default: 24.
    -long-format    Use 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,zzz' for log time format.
    --device-info Print device cuda information.
    --fee <fee>    Change devfee in percentage, [0-5]. Set to '0' to turn off devfee with lower hashrate. Otherwise, devfee = max(set_value, def_value).
    --generate-config \<filename>    Generate a sample config json file.
    --no-watchdog    Disable watchdog process.
    --platform \<platform>    Choose platform,0: NVIDIA+AMD (default), 1: NVIDIA only, 2: AMD only
    --proxy Socks5 proxy used to eastablish connection with pool, E.g.
    --mt, --memory-tweak <mode> Memory timings optimize for Nvidia GDDR5 & GDDR5X gpus. range [1-6]. Higher value equals higher hashrate. Individual value can be set via comma seperated list. Power limit may need to be tuned up to get more hashrate. Higher reject share ratio can happen if mining rig hits high temperature, set lower value of `-mt` can reduce reject ratio. Under windows, a custom driver need to be installed when using `-mt`, can installed manually by option  `--driver`, or run nbminer.exe with admin privilege to perform auto-install. Under linux, admin priviledge is needed to run, `sudo ./nbminer -mt x`. `OhGodAnETHlargementPill` is not needed anymore if `-mt` is enabled when mining on 1080 & 1080ti GPUs.
    --driver <action> Windows only option, install / uninstall driver for memory tweak. Run with admin priviledge. install: nbminer.exe --driver install, uninstall: nbminer.exe --driver uninstall..

    Change Log

    • new algo: cuckatoo32 for Grin32 on Nvidia 8G above GPUs
    • kawpow: support for NiceHash's extranonce.subscribe protocol

  2. G-Host

    G-Host новичок

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