Please help

Тема в разделе "Обменники криптовалют", создана пользователем Tobi786, 29 апр 2021.

  1. Tobi786

    Tobi786 новичок

    Hi I'm a single poor mother of a 7 year old boy and twin babies. I lost my job due to pandemic. The company I was working in got shut down. I have no source of earning at the moment and it's impossible for me to feed my kids and provide them with basic needs. I need your help to survive. I'll be truly grateful for your help.
    I have joined a crypto trading exchange from where I might be able to generate some income to raise my kids but I have no money to invest in it. If anyone can donate in crypto currency here are my btc, bnb and Doge address
    Bnb Address bnb136ns6lfw4zs5hg4n85vdthaad7hq5m4gtkgf23

    Btc Address 1Q7ECnXqB14tzonm6S1SUXALh36DoZZBgP

    Dogecoin address DD9fjtUj3DvEWQAcfKTCEegZcfeDZRpzcX