ICO white paper writer

Тема в разделе "Сервисы и магазины", создана пользователем cryptogm, 20 мар 2018.

  1. cryptogm

    cryptogm новичок

    Hi guys,

    Since 2014 I have been used to create content for numerous clients. I have the website website, white papers, blog posts as well as press releases. In the recent past I have written ICO white papers, pitch decks and business plans for various start-ups.

    I have an understanding of start-ups operating within this domain and investment trends. With an experience of over 7 years working as a researcher in the ICO white papers. Is a recent here publication to an Evaluation Download now of elements required to the create an excellent paper The Communities white.

    For more information, reach out via telegram https://t.me/MorrayCrypto email: [email protected] for samples and more engagement.

    Thank you!