Bitmex has now become a trillion dollar crypto futures exchange

Тема в разделе "Биржи криптовалют", создана пользователем marketing, 11 окт 2019.

  1. marketing

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    Bitmex has now become a trillion dollar crypto futures exchange where you have the opportunity to leverage your bitcoin 100X on BTC, ETH, TRX, EOS, and LTC futures without ever risking a negative balance! Turn 100 dollars of bitcoin into a 10,000 dollar trade, that means you double your money every PERCENT increase, price moves from 8000 to 8080 and you invested 100 dollars you now have 200!


    With leverage comes the same increase on fee's, and those can add up very quickly. FOR THE FIRST TIME, EXCLUSIVELY THROUGH THIS PARTNER LINK, SAVE 10 PERCENT OFF ALL YOUR FEES for 6 MONTHS. Simply sign up through this exclusive link LIMITED TIME AND AVAILABILITY, average traders save thousands over a 6 month period !!!

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