PlayFuel – Blockchain Integration in Gaming

Тема в разделе "Блокчейн, криптотехнологии", создана пользователем Afshan, 15 апр 2020.

  1. Afshan

    Afshan новичок

    What is PlayFuel?

    PlayFuel brings the power of blockchain technology to the gaming world. We are doing this by creating a platform that allows developers to earn funding by integrating PlayFuel into their games and allowing players to mine PLF tokens just by playing.

    PlayFuel targets gamers, developers, and investors in offering its innovative blockchain. This platform will allow players to do seamless transactions and earn while playing, while developers can build unique games and integrate the PLF token in their games.

    PlayFuel coinprice is at $ 0.37164955 with a 24-hour trading volume of $ 10,868,898.77 at the time of writing.

    PlayFuel is a gaming and development platform that lets players buy games and in-game items with PLF Tokens. PLF is a utility token based on the ERC-20 standard, enabling PlayFuel to fully leverage the Ethereum ecosystem and easily integrate with the existing infrastructure.

    Gaming in all its forms has indicated significant growth across the world.
    Playfuel not only benefits millions of developers and gamers, but also the whole crypto ecosystem.