Fundamental mission of the Base Protocol platform and BASE token

Тема в разделе "Блокчейн, криптотехнологии", создана пользователем vitek660428, 4 дек 2020.

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    Base protocol have technology to programming code is open-source and accessible on the Base GitHub and the foundation updates this repository as new developments are made. The Base Protocol is built on the Ethereum blockchain,integrates a Chainlink oracle,and will launch on Uniswap.The Base Protocol is the world's single tokenized cryptographic currency market tracker. By holding BASE tokens, customers can get introduction to the presentation of the entire computerized cash market.

    BASE Protocol vision:
    For any different crypto asset very difficult to understand for a new user,but understand BASE is not hard becouse it’s the way to invest in all of those crypto assets and in this way, the Base Protocol can become an instrumental force in driving new adoption in the blockchain space.So holding BASE, institutional investors will gain exposure to the entire cryptocurrency industry an objectively more diversified alternative.Most rebase projects haven’t utilized rebasing and this highest potential.A lot of projects have simply facilitated DeFi money games that don’t create fundamental value.

    Base Protocol the use сase is truly innovative,new asset class for which there are no existing competitors as a exchange tradeable cryptocurrency industry index and will also help new and existing retail investors to take out the guesswork and get exposed to the growth of all current and future digital assets.Base Protocol aims to become the household name for general cryptocurrency investing with simple mission to make it easy for everyone to benefit from the performance of the entire cryptocurrency market in a secure, decentralized and future-proof way.BASE’s vision is to become the primary channel of investment for new/existing cryptocurrency traders and institutional investors.The Base Protocol mission is anything but difficult to make it straightforward for everyone to benefit by the introduction of the entire advanced currency market in a protected, decentralized way.


    BASE is built on an elastic supply protocol which programmatically expands/contracts token supply to achieve target price equilibrium. BASE's target price is one trillionth the total market capitalization of all cryptocurrencies: (cmc) x 0.1^12. When BASE market price (bmp) = (cmc x 0.1^12), BASE is at equilibrium. When this equilibrium is disrupted, token supply is adjusted.

    Supply expansions / contractions are called rebases.Rebases occur when bmp ≠ (cmc x 0.1^12).When bmp > (cmc x 0.1^12), expansion rebase occurs.When bmp < (cmc x 0.1^12),contraction rebase occurs. Expansion creates new supply, decreasing scarcity and driving price down its target. Contraction destroys supply, increasing scarcity and driving price up to its target.

    A synthetic asset is one whose properties have the same effect and value as another asset. BASE is a synthetic asset engineered to simulate the market patterns of its underlying asset - all cryptocurrencies. This allows users to agnostically speculate on every token, rather than just one or a select portfolio of multiple.

    Users will be able to buy BASE at its Uniswap liquidity pool. The Base Cascade rewards users who stake their BASE in the liquidity pool. The Cascade issues rewards based on how long a user stakes their tokens in the pool – where the more liquidity provided, and for longer, the greater share of the pool they receive.

    The Base Protocol acts as a comprehensive trading instrument that allows holders to speculate on all cryptocurrencies simultaneously, rather than just one or a selected portfolio of multiples. It allows traders to invest independently in the entire crypto ecosystem- main function of BASE Protocol.

    In BASE’s end goal, it is an index tool pegged to the overall crypto industry,allowing users to speculate in a way that is not currently possible and all things held equal, BASE is designed to increase in value over time.BASE can be used as a safe haven position between crypto transactions and trading into BASE mitigates the inherent risk of holding one coin, while absorbing the potential gains of several others.

    Base protocol token:

    Total Token Supply: 8,493,221 BASE

    This is the total supply of BASE tokens at the time of launch

    Token distribution:
    Initial Circulating Supply: 1,859,548 BASE
    Initial Market Cap at List Price: $650,842
    Initial Liquidity : 492,424 BASE

    Cryptocurrencies(CMC) at a ratio of 1:1 trillion. The base protocol uses the following top 10 Market Cap as a resource to derive the value of BASE.

    For more information on this project see the link below:

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